[:en]Please see below the geographical areas where the Force Majeure cancellations applies.
“Force Majeure” cancellations are accepted on a 6 weeks rolling base.
Slot cancellations under “Force Majeure” need SI remark mentioning “FORCE MAJEURE PER COHOR REFERENCE” and must be sent separately from other cancellations
[gview file= »https://www.cohor.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/JNUS-PUBLICATION-30JUL.pdf »][:fr]Please see below the geographical areas where the Force Majeure cancellations applies.
“Force Majeure” cancellations are accepted on a 6 weeks rolling base.
Slot cancellations under “Force Majeure” need SI remark mentioning “FORCE MAJEURE PER COHOR REFERENCE” and must be sent separately from other cancellations.